Friday, August 16, 2013

Why Bigs Are The Absolute Best

Your big. Your role model. Your shopping buddy. Your dance partner. Your caregiver on nights when you have one too many. She takes on so many different roles but yet does so flawlessly.

How is she so perfect?

Let's examine 20 reasons why bigs are the absolute best.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Things I'm Loving - Back to School

I don't know about you lovelies, but I am headed back to the greatest place in the world in less than 2 weeks. Crazy, right? Before I make my return and grace that college town with my presence once again, there's some shopping to do.

I've dragged my momma to countless stores and malls, and sent her even more emails of things that I want. Through all that research, I've compiled a list of what you need to bring back with you to run your college town.

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