Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Things I'm Loving - Little Problems

Hey y'all! I hope your Independence Day celebrations went off without a hitch!

If you are in a sorority, you are someone's little, and eventually you will get a little yourself. Littles are such special parts of the sorority experience and the bond between a big and little is unbreakable. Little Problems captures all of the wonders of being a little and so much more.

The Little Problems twitter, which I've followed both on my Srattiness account as well as my personal for about a year now, is flawless. I promise you can relate to every single one. It's kind of freaky, actually. Here are some that really apply to me.

Biggie and I are partners in crime and cause chaos everywhere we go. Love it.
One night, I introduced a guy to my big and he was kind of weird toward her. End of pursuit. True story.

You're in denial if you've never used this.

Every good night starts with getting ready with your big.

At this point, you're probably stalking their twitter and reading even more tweets. If you're already following @LittleProblems, you're realizing how many of these tweets actually do describe you and your little or big's relationship. If you aren't, you're probably smacking yourself in the face (not literally, don't ruin your makeup) and wondering why you weren't before reading this post. Don't worry, it's as easy as hitting the Follow button to fix the problem!

You may be like, "Cool, Srattiness, you just gave me a new account to follow, thanks!" and my response is yes, yes I did, but hold your breath. The perfection doesn't end there. Little Problems has a website. Whaaat?!

The Little Problems website is where you can get the absolute cutest stuff for your lovely family at super affordable prices. I personally have my eye on the Big & Little package for me and my future little. It's presh and only $10! I can just picture the I Love My Big button on my little's bag and the pride that will fill my heart every time I see her with it.

Little Problems sells decals, coozies, buttons, and recently started selling bows! Everything is adorable. I wish I had it all. But I will definitely blow my summer earnings on it for my perfect future little.

Be sure to follow @LittleProblems and check out their online shop, because your family is the best and everyone knows it.



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