Monday, September 30, 2013

Do's and Don'ts of Instagram

I love Insta as much as the next sorority girl. It makes me look tan and popular, neither of which I'm complaining about. However, some girls don't understand that they are ruining Instragram for the rest of us. These are the girls that make guys, and even other girls, mock and stereotype us all.

If you or one of your friends is one of these girls, keep reading. Y'all need help.
If not, keep reading anyways, because it's fun to see how desperate some people are.

Here are the top 3 most misused Instas.

The "Selfie"

The selfie is an Instagram classic. Having a good hair day? Show it off. Looking extra cute with your new monogrammed necklace? Let everyone know what good taste you have. When used well, the selfie can make you shine. However, 90% of girls on Instagram misuse this tool, and this is where the real problems begin.


  • Document yourself when you look good. People need to be reminded of how attractive and in demand you are.
  • Pick a filter that makes you look tan.
  • Look natural and effortless.


  • Post a selfie more than once every two weeks.
  • Look like you're trying too hard.
  • Have your boobs, midriff, and/or ass out.
  • Use mirror pics. There is a front-facing camera on your phone for a reason.
  • Pick an unflattering angle to take your selfie. You don't get to post selfies often, so you need to make sure it's perfect.
  • Hashtag #nomakeup and #nofilter because it's clear that you're wearing makeup and that you have applied a filter. Just like a push-up bra, you're not fooling anybody. Embrace that you're enhancing your natural beauty with the wonders of technology.

The "Food Porn"

So you either made some wonderful food or you purchased it. Great. Glad you're not starving. In moderation, this is fantastic, particularly if you created said food. It shows you're domestic. Men love being made food. They will love you for it.


  • Display your baking skills to your potential suitors.
  • Look adorable in a picture holding your creation.


  • Post every single meal you ever eat.
  • Hashtag #foodporn.
  • Include yourself eating the food in the picture. Not attractive. NS.

The "Man Candy Monday", "Transformation Tuesday", "Woman Crush Wednesday", "Throwback Thursday", & "Flashback Friday"

I'm glad that you know what day of the week it is. I'm not glad that all I see on every week day is the same hashtag of the same thing over and over and over again. 


  • Use MCM every once in a while to remind your boy toy that he's not perfect.
  • Post a nice Picstitch of you back in the day and you now looking fabulous for Transformation Tuesday.
  • Do a favor to your best gal and let everyone see how hot she is on a Wednesday.
  • Reuse a picture that you adore and shows off your attractiveness for TBT or Flashback Friday.


  • Do any given "-day" every day of the week.
  • Repeat that "-day" the very next week.
  • Use a picture from a week ago for TBT or Flashback Friday.
  • Participate in both TBT and Flashback Friday. They are the same freaking thing. The Kardashians just happen to favor one over the other.

Remember, Instagram is a social media devoted to making you and your life look as perfect as possible. Follow these tips, and all the girls in your rival house will be stalking your profile, wondering when you got so much better than them.



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