Monday, September 30, 2013

Do's and Don'ts of Instagram

I love Insta as much as the next sorority girl. It makes me look tan and popular, neither of which I'm complaining about. However, some girls don't understand that they are ruining Instragram for the rest of us. These are the girls that make guys, and even other girls, mock and stereotype us all.

If you or one of your friends is one of these girls, keep reading. Y'all need help.
If not, keep reading anyways, because it's fun to see how desperate some people are.

Here are the top 3 most misused Instas.

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Why Bigs Are The Absolute Best

Your big. Your role model. Your shopping buddy. Your dance partner. Your caregiver on nights when you have one too many. She takes on so many different roles but yet does so flawlessly.

How is she so perfect?

Let's examine 20 reasons why bigs are the absolute best.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Things I'm Loving - Back to School

I don't know about you lovelies, but I am headed back to the greatest place in the world in less than 2 weeks. Crazy, right? Before I make my return and grace that college town with my presence once again, there's some shopping to do.

I've dragged my momma to countless stores and malls, and sent her even more emails of things that I want. Through all that research, I've compiled a list of what you need to bring back with you to run your college town.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why Go Greek?

This one is for all y'all who are entering college and are curious about Greek life, or those who are returning to school but wanting a new and unique experience.

I have had multiple young women, as well as one young man, emailing me recently about joining Greek life. As one of them put it, "I'd like to know why you're so obsessed with Greek life and if it's worth joining." Yes, I may be obsessed, but for a good reason. Greek life is everything I could have asked for and more.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

How I'm Slowly But Surely Becoming My Mother

As I was laying on my couch today stuffing my face with chocolate (it's a Sunday, I can do that), I was watching HGTV and really getting into it. I genuinely felt like I cared about the couple that was faced with a decision, love their old home, or list it and get a new one for their growing family. The show's called Love It or List It, cleverly enough. My mom called me and I told her eagerly that our favorite show was on, and as soon as the words came out of my mouth, it hit me.

What everyone said would eventually happen is true.

I am turning into my momma herself.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Things I'm Loving - Little Problems

Hey y'all! I hope your Independence Day celebrations went off without a hitch!

If you are in a sorority, you are someone's little, and eventually you will get a little yourself. Littles are such special parts of the sorority experience and the bond between a big and little is unbreakable. Little Problems captures all of the wonders of being a little and so much more.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Online Shopping Heaven

If you're anything like me, you love shopping. It's a hobby. It counts as a cardio, too. Right? It better. As much as I enjoy shopping at stores or in malls, I also love online shopping. You can see so many options from all over the world, and all it takes to make them yours is typing in a few numbers! Yay! Okay, so maybe it's dangerous. But dangerously awesome.

I'm going to share some of my favorite places to online shop as well as some highlights from the stores that I find are necessary additions to your closet. Just don't buy it all in my size before I get the chance!

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Things I'm Loving - Fourth of July Weekend

As y'all know, tomorrow is America's birthday. In order to properly celebrate this wonderful occasion, you're going to need good food, cute clothes, and loads of other fun stuff. I've compiled what I'm loving at the moment and what you will need to ring in the Fourth in the best way possible!

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First blog post!

Hey y'all!

Can you believe it?!?! I have a blog! Yaaaaay!

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